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High Priestess/Priest of Light
Egyptian Alchemy of Isis & Horus

Ancient future codes of golden Egypt  
Essenes teachings of healing 

Initiation & Teachings of the new Christ Consciousness

The magic of Isis & Osiris, Mary Magdalene & Yeshua, Hathor & Horus
Mother Mary, Sarah Tamar and Archangels

November 01 - 12. 2023
Divine Union Portal 11.11. - Moses Mountain Ceremony


A sacred journey through golden Egypt:

Aswan by the Nile, Sinai Dahab by the Red Sea / Moses Mountain & St. Catherine's Monastery.

Beloved ones,


I would like to invite you on a magical journey to Egypt by the magical Nil, the sacred Red Sea and the powerful Mount Sinai, where, it is said, the true magicians and healers has been initiated. The Pharaos, the Isis Priestess and the Essenes - the temples of Isis in Aswan and the community of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene in the Mountains of Sinai. We welcome you to receive the initiation into the golden Christ light healing, the teachings of Divine Union and the Holy Grail codes of the Divine Mother Sophia. The Holy of the Holiest is waiting to be reawakened by the cosmic kiss of your soul!


I have been guided by the sacred union energy of Mary and Yeshua to bring another beautiful group to the Nil and Sinai in order to awaken the true light of the cosmic human, the new Christ consciousness. We will find graceful moments to connect with our diamond golden soul so that we can remember who we are and have always been, through time and space and all dimensions. The Light of 1000 Suns will shine through you so that you can live the life of grace you were meant to live. The golden Temple of Isis and the Priestess Gate will open your christen heart of devotion and love to the Goddess and her angles of light.


The spiritual healing in the Red Sea will open up to more soul recognition and blessings so that you can embody the Holy Spirit in your human being. At the top of Mount Moses and in the beautiful Cathedral of St. Catherine, you can open deeply to your angelic soul where the true magic can happen. Archangel Gabriel will be your guide and open you to the heavenly realms of your divine soul. The magic of light transmits the truth of your being and the sacredness of your diamond soul.


In the desert we can listen to the ancient songs and teachings of the great masters of the sacred life and become a pure spirit of soul and body. On this journey of spiritual awakening, you are called to follow the master teachings of the divine feminine and masculine, the true power initiation of sacred union and marriage with your divine higher self and your human self. The consciousness of the White Serpent is the pure energy of the Holy Spirit. It is when you feel the I AM presence of your divine self in union with the heart and spirit of God/Goddess. You will be opening to a higher soul alignment and self-mastery.


In this year of the Holy Trinity Union 2023, the new golden paradigm is born.

We have all the divine support of the Ascended Masters and the Angels to break through the old belief system in order to find a deeper and clearer connection to our essence and to each other. Yeshua (Jesus) and Mary were great teachers and healers for those who were asking for more enlightenment. The power of sacred union provides an opening into the mystery of the soul. Everyone has truly healing powers, and this sacred journey invites to connect deeper with your divine superpowers.
This training is an opportunity to be initiated into the mystic healing energies and tools of Mary Magdalene, Sarah Tamar, the Goddess Isis and Yeshua. I will channel these ascended masters and the Goddess for the group and remind you how to work with these spirits of divine truth, love and power to awaken your divine truth.
The initiations will activate your channel and you will merge with these energies of the golden diamond Christ Light. The very first light of your soul, your inner diamond heart will shine strong for a new version of your divine self. The new Christ Light Consciousness, free from story, will shine through you and will show you the way as a High Priestess or Priest so that you can step into greater service for the good of all souls. Through this service you will rise into the realms of your heavenly soul and your essence will bless this planet and the universe. The embodiment of the new Christ-Diamond essence is our mission on this journey. The healing powers you are going to receive will open the gateway to your divine, angelic Christ soul, and a new golden order of light and angles will guide you.


Your diamond golden rainbow aura will be activated and your divine blueprints as well. This Blessing of Light is for self-healing, supporting your facilitation activities or just expanding your consciousness and simply being in the Divine Presence on this planet. Being in this presence is opening the door of abundance and true alignment with who you are and have always been. The path of the Diamond Heart has been taught since 1000 of years between the Essenes and the Yogis and it is a path of the ultimate truth and sacredness. Your divine heart will awaken in such beauty that you will manifest the 12th dimension on earth.

Jesus and Mary will always guide you and hold the flame of divine union for your sacred soul of infinite love. So be it.


This journey will give you many beautiful opportunities to enter the essence of your divine soul. through meditation, sacred healing journeys, spiritual awakening, light transmissions, channeling, breath work, voice activation, sacred body work and baptism, anointing rituals. You will journey through the 12 dimensions, uniting heaven and earth for the great opening of your essence. The embodiment of your divine self! The pure spirit of the the Nil, the desert, the mountains and the Red Sea is a wonderful initiation into the mystery of the soul.



The Nile and the blue Lotus energy of Isis will initiate you into the mystery of Isis. Your Priestess / Priest of Light will be reawaken and reveal its power of magic.
The beautiful Red Sea has extraordinary healing powers and will support you in cleaning your body and opening you to the miracles to come. You will receive a baptism ceremony in the Red Sea and a beautiful adventure journey into the canyon. During the fist days will discover the magic powers of the Nil and the sacred spots of the land of the Nubians, the original Egyptian people. We will live in a beautiful Camp on Heissa  Island next to the Isis Temple by the Nil (November 1-6th.) 

We will be flying from Aswan to Sharm el Sheikh ( Sinai) on the 6th. Here we will be staying in astonishing places (Nov. 6-10th), in Dar Dahab direct by the Red Sea, in an elegant guesthouse with eco-friendly architecture.

Our last 2 days will be in the close to the Monastery of St. Catherine. There we will stay in the authentic Bedouin camp of my friend Younis. This place is near a beautiful oasis where we will do a deep soul journey in preparation for our 11/11 divine union portal day. We will have a beautiful journey by foot or with camels to the top of Mount Moses of Sinai for sunset and walk back under the stars in the dark night.
This is pure adventure and has its own sacred magic. We will also visit St. Catherine's Monastery, which is one of the holiest places in the world. The holy of the holiest will be activated within you.


Every evening we will be sitting or dancing by the fire under the stars with the Bedouins, eating, grounding ourselves, drumming and singing the songs of our souls.We are the future, we are the light and we are the cosmic human to be reborn into this new timeline consciousness of divine truth. We are born in this time to bridge the old and the new and to anchor the new light into the earth.


We have been prepared since many lifetimes to come exactly to this point, where we are now! This is the time for the true salvation of the old and the new light manifestation. The union of spirit and matter is our mission in alignment with the essence of the universal soul. Mother Goddess and Father God will bless us with heavenly grace and will guide us with the pure divine light of the pure cosmic spirit of all creation on our path of enlightenment!


Join me for the journey of your life and open for your new divine self to be reborn in a new golden vessel of life.


This training is a master class and is for those who already have a deeper spiritual practice or offerings. We do not work with plant medicine, we are working with frequency and consciousness. After the training we recommend the group, who has become a soul family and community, to practice online or live with each other for the following 4 months to cultivate these divine energies and to keep growing in this service of light.


You will also receive a certificate after the intensive training of 12. days in Egypt as an Initiate of the Priestess/Priest of Light.

You will receive a channeled manuscript via email and we ask you please to print it for the training and to bring it with you.


Meditation - Transformation - Healing - Initiation - Ascension program:

  • High Priestess/ Priest of the Nil: Isis initiation -
    the Magic of Isis

  • New Light Christ Initiation: Sophia & Mother Mary 

  • Diamand Soul Activation : Ascended Master Jesus 

  • Red Sea Baptism: Jesus and Angles 

  • Sacred feminine Initiation: Mary Magdalena & Sarah Tamar

  • Anointing Ceremony: Mary & Yeshua

  • Sacred Union Initiations:  Mary & Yeshua

  • Union Codes and the new Cosmic Human: Sarah Tamar

  • Essenes’ Teachings/ Spiritual Healing: Healing hands & Akasha Records Reading

  • Star Channeling: Archangels and Starbeings

  • The Holy of the Holiest Codes: Sophia Christ Codes

WhatsApp Image 2023-06-07 at 12.12.51-2
WhatsApp Image 2023-06-07 at 12.12.52
WhatsApp Image 2023-06-07 at 12.12.51


The retreat is open to both women and men and, of course, couples.




Check in: 01.11. at 15.00 p.m.

Check out: 12.01. at 12.00 p.m.  â€‹


The Hotel in Aswan: Instagram:

The hotel in Dahab is:


First destination: Aswan Airport 

Second Destination: Sharm El Sheikh in Sinai 


We can organize a pick for you up at both airports.


The drive to the island from the airport to the Nil Camp is about 45min.

The drive from Sharm el Sheikh to Dahab takes about 1.15 hour.


4200 EUR  Full Price


3600 EUR until September 15


Deposit of 1000€ to safe your spot


We have space for 15 participants.



Accommodation in Aswan, Dahab & Bedouin Camp, breakfast & dinner,  light transmissions/ teachings & initiations.


Does not includes:

 Flights & shuttle service to the hotel.

Please book also your inland flight on Nov. 6th from Aswan to Sharm el Sheikh. We can assist you if needed.

Lunch at the Heissa Camp and Dardahab Hotel.

We recommend being energetically and spiritually prepared for this magical journey. 


If you have any question please contact Anjuna.


Please apply with your vision for this trip.

We will contact you afterwards with more information.


Sending Love & Blessings 

Looking forward having a magical time with you.

Anjuna Ma Saraya & Angels


Terms & Conditions



To register, please apply with your vision for this journey to the following e-mail:

Travel plan
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Travelling Plan

Nov. 01: Arrival in Aswan by the Nil


Nov. 01-06: Heissa Camp / Isis temple


Nov. 06 -10: Dardahab Hotel Sinai - Red Sea


Nov. 10-12: Bedouin Camp - Moses Mountain


Shuttle back to Dahab in the afternoon.
It is 1,5 hour drive back from Moses Mountain to Dahab by the Red Sea.


Suggestion: 2-3 days integration at the sea with an extended stay in self-organization. 

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