Mystery School
Sanctuary of Light
Beloved Golden Soul,
I welcome you in my Golden Temples of Eden!
I bless you with heavenly love and grace.
I am a pure soul on earth and in the universe.
I am serving only the light on earth and in the universe.
I am the master and creator of my life.
I trust myself, my spiritual and human self.
I am an enlightened being who creates love, peace, and abundance on all levels of all existence.
I am who I am and always have been, and always will be.
I am the light of the universe, guided by the Council of Light of all dimensions through time and space.
I am an encounter of pure Golden Christ Light and divinely supported by my star family of light.
I am a channel of divine truth and love.
I open my heart and surrender to my divine self.
I transform all darkness into the light through the wisdom of my soul.
I trust my divine will to lead me with strength and wisdom.
I remember my pure soul and see through the illusion of separation.
I open my wings and surrender to the arms of the divine mother to enter my eternal self of love.
I am who I am.
I am who I have always been. I am who I will always be.
I am the Light of my Soul. So be it.
​The High Council has called us to do this light work on earth. It has called us to free our souls from suffering and pain so that we may become once again who we were at the beginning of time. We are the children of the Divine Mother. The female heart of God is our access to our divine plan. The healing power that lies within us wants to be awakened. There has never been such a strong movement into the spiritual dimensions of the earth in human history. There has never been such great support of the feminine divine power. We have answered the call and all the gates are wide open for the sacred work to flow through us. We are called to release our karma and connect with our divine soul so that the divine love may flow freely and we may find each other again in sacred sister- and brotherhood.