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Magic in Me


Blessings, beloved hearts!

The Mystery School of Miracles, "THE SANCTUARY OF LIGHT," opens its divine doors again to welcome you for a six-month individual spiritual program designed to meet yourself as the magician, priestess/priest, healer, and divine creator/creatrix. The Mother Goddess and Father God are calling their children home into the light of love to create from the inner heavens. Remember who you are and always have been.


You are a magical being and always have been. Magic is within you when you allow yourself to see through the eyes of the Goddess/God. Reclaiming your divine powers and opening to the true magic in your life is your abundance. When the magic of creation reveals itself to us, we finally return home into our hearts of divine union. Unity will unfold and healing can take place. Through entering your inner divine Eden, your life becomes truly magical.


Do you hear the calling of your soul to discover your multidimensional essence?
Do you long to strengthen your healing powers and express yourself through higher wisdom and intuition, creative power, and light transmission? Have you always felt there is a greater purpose to fulfill, a divine mission?

Our future is about "Union" and reconnection with Source, bringing spirit and matter together, and building community for the highest good of all. Infusing matter with angelic presence to manifest heaven on earth is our collective soul calling! This course offers a deeper awakening of soul purpose to assist the collective rising into the new light consciousness of TRANS-HUMANITY or COSMIC - HUMANITY. This is a powerful ascension work which will assist your soul to expand into the new Christ Consciousness. The world needs the unity of light workers more than ever before and we are called to activate the powerful angelic rainbow light body to transmit the light of Source to this planet and beyond. This masterclass offers you a deeper Soul Star awakening and gives you the opportunity to create from a multidimensional consciousness with the star beings and the Council of Light.


This magical topics might play a role for you:


*Self-love and acceptance of all your aspects. 

*Healing the inner magical child.

*Activation of the Golden Christ Heart - Divine Union Codes.

*Healing & Activation of Sacred Feminine & Masculine/Sacred Union Codes.

*Sacred Sexuality & Creation.

*Speaking your divine truth.

*Releasing karmic patterns and imprints.

*Connection to your spirit guides, your master & higher self.

*Channelling of divine messages and guidance / Akashic records reading.

*Initiation into Angelic Healing. 

*Opening for Clairvoyance.

*Star Light Codes and Familiy.

*Activation of your divine Blueprint and Divine Soul Plan.

*Cosmic Shamanism.

*Lemuria Activation / Atlantis Healing Codex.

*Crystal Grid work and Priestess/ Priest of Light.

*Embodiment of your divine soul.


This master course is for everyone who is open to see beyond and loves to rise like a goddess/ god. Those who are ready to face a deeper layer of soul wisdom and to anchor this light into this golden earth.



Monthly 1:1 Online Sessions:

Once a month, we will meet for a 90-minute session that includes spiritual practices, healing, mentoring, and initiation. These sessions aim to raise your frequency and expand your awareness of your magical powers, self-love, and divine service.


Guided Homework:

Between sessions, you will receive inspired tasks to help deepen your connection with your soul.


Sacred Energetic Support:

Throughout the program, you will be held in a special container by angelic beings and ascended masters to support your healing and spiritual growth.


Purpose and Intention:

This program is designed to activate your spiritual powers, open you to greater healing and guidance, and help you step into your divine gifts with self-love and purpose. 


My Support :

As a multidimensional Healer, Medium, Priestess and Soul Mentor I make sure that you feel seen and held in this program for who you truly are. I will assist you in your divine rising through my channeling and grounding healing work as a soul mentor. 

Between the monthly session you are asked to work on your self with homework, like guided meditations or healing tools to support your healing and ascension process. This program is designed to integrate it in you daily life. 


With Love and Blessings,

Anjuna & The Council of Light ✨

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2500 EUR 



2200 EUR until 22.01.25​


Spaces are limited!

The program must be completed within 6-8 months. 


End of registration 31.05.25


If you feel the call to activate your soul blueprint, awaken your divine gifts and receive deep healing, now is the time to join the sacred Mother Spaceship of Light and send me an e-mail.


I look forward to meeting you among the stars,

beloved sister and brother.

I send you blessings upon blessings,

all my love

Anjuna Ma Saraya


Terms & Conditions



To register, please apply with your vision for this journey to the following e-mail:

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