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My Service of Light:  
High Priestess, Spiritual Healer and Healing Artist.

What is spiritual healing?


Divine healing through the medicine of the soul, angels and ascended masters is a method of energetic healing and spiritual channeling at ones.

Here we transmit divine consciousness and frequencies of unity in order to activate a state of healing and ascension. Divine codes and new technologies of the Star Beings can support the rising of the soul.Humanity is moving into a new phase of liberation and freedom. The medicine of the soul and the stars is the cosmology of divine wisdom.


The Calling of the Soul

☥ Healing with divine angels for the soul, body, mind and ancestor linage.

☥ Living from your dharma and explore your divine gifts your are born with.

☥ Connecting with the essence of your soul and activate your self healing powers.
☥ Being in service of your divine soul and purpose through your higher self consciousness - Star Blue Print.
☥ Creating a new earth in balance and harmony with your divine soul - Creation Codes.
☥ Planting the new star seeds on earth through the wisdom of the stars - Star Orakel / Channelling Akasha Records. ☥ Walking the path of gold with Goddess Isis for divine leadership and empowerment.
☥ Walking the path of self mastery with Mary Magdalene, Jesus Sananda, Sarah Tamar, Mother Mary - Sacred Union Codes.
☥ Enlightening you being through the Council of Light and Ascended Masters.

☥ Divine feminine Christ, embodiment with Mary Magdalene sisterhood of the rose linage, anchoring the rose crystal light.
☥ Expansion into the new Christ Consciousness to rise the frequency within and without - Essener teachings

☥ Become a divine portal, medium and mentor for the new earth and others.
☥ Initiation into  the spiritual / energetic Soul Healer. Initiation into the  Priestess/ Priest of Light.


  • ​Awaken your inner Light: Fusion of Yoga, Dance, Meditation and Energy Transmission

  • Divine feminine circles & ceremonies  with Mary Magdalene, Goddess Isis and Mother Mary


​(Booking for Retreats, Festival or Events as Guest Teacher)

  • Reconnection with the light of your soul  

  • Karma healing - timeline healing 

  • Anchestor healing

  • Clearing of old programs and patterns & aura clearing 

  • Chakra clearing, balancing  and awakening

  • Womb healing 

  • Sacred Union healing - divine feminine & masculine

  • Return to source consciousness - higher self alignment

  • Blue Print of your soul

  • Divine Path of light & service of light

  • Land and space activation through crystalline grid

  • Priestess/ Priest of Light - spiritual trainings 

  • Path of the Goddess- divine feminine magic

  • Spiritual healer training - New Christ Light 

  • Divine Union Codes - communion with God/ Goddess 

  • Connection with Light Beings and Ascend Masters

  • Akasha record - past life and divine plan

  • Star Orakel - your spiritual roots

  • Channeling with Starbeings the new technology for humankind 

  • Channeling the best solution and guidance for your projects 

  • Spiritual coaching - unite spirit and matter

  • Soul guidance to fulfil your dream

  • Grounding the divine plan into the earth plan

  • Spiritual Wedding 

  • Self Marriage Ceremony 

  • Spiritual Midwife for pregnancy and baby birth 

  • Baptism( sacred Water Blessing) for adults and babies to receive the new christ light.

  • Anointing Ceremony to invoke your Soul Path of Light

  • Blessing of a building/ temple space


My offerings can be in person or online.

Please contact me for price and schedule!


Love & Blessings, Anjuna

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