The Essence of Soul
The Light of the Sinai - Desert Initiations / Retreat
for woman & man
SINAI | May 09 - 18, 2022
Sinai Dahab / the Red Sea * Bedouin Camp * Moses' Mount Sinai
St. Catherine Monastery
Beloved Sisters & Brothers,
I would like to invite you on a magical journey to Egypt on the Mount Sinai, where, it is said, the true magicians and healers lived “ The Essenes “, the Tribe of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua. This place is truly mystical and powerful and transfers a lot of ancient wisdom for a deep soul awakening.
I have been guided by the sacred union energy of Mary & Yeshua to bring a group to Sinai in order to awaken the true light of the cosmic human, the new Christ Consciousness. This year 2022 will be the most powerful time for us to unite under the full moon and the stars at the top of Moses’ Mountain, where Archangel Gabriel gave him the 10 Commandments.
This sacred soul journey will give you the opportunity to connect deeper with the essence and power of your soul. You will open many new portals of divine manifestation for fulfilling your divine destiny.
In the desert we can listen to the ancient songs and teachings of the grand masters of sacred life and become a clean spirit of the soul and body.
On this spiritual awakening journey, you are called to follow the master teachings of the divine feminine and masculine, the true power initiation of sacred union and the marriage with your divine higher self and your human self. The White Serpent Consciousness is the pure energy of the Holy Spirit. It is when you feel the I AM presence of your divine self in union with God/Goddess heart and spirit. You will be opening for a higher soul alignment and self mastery.
This year is the year of Union where we are asked to co-create with heaven and earth, were we have all the divine support of the Ascended Masters and angels to breakthrough the old system of beliefs in order to find a deeper and clearer connection to our essence.
The pure spirit of the desert, the mountains and the Red Sea is already a wonderful initiation into the sacredness of our soul. The 4 elements of nature will open for us a door to the universal soul and will teach us how to hold this magic in our lives. The earth, water, air and the fire will be our spirit guides to manifest our divinity into matter.
In ancient times, people went to the desert to find peace and answers for their sacred path of the heart. It is well known as Vision or Soul Quest.
I ask you beloved heart, do you know the deeper meaning of your existence? Have you met the true essence of your eternal soul and been able to hold that frequency of pure divine light?
Yeshua and Mary were great teachers and healers for those who were asking for enlightenment. The power of sacred union provides an opening into the mystery of the soul. Everyone has truly healing powers and this sacred journey invites you to open or to connect deeper with them.
This journey will give you many beautiful opportunities to enter the essence of your divine soul through yoga, meditation, sacred healing journeys, spirit awakening, light transmissions, channeling, breathwork, voice activation, walking and bathing. You will journey through the 12 dimensions, uniting heaven and earth for the grand opening of your essence. The embodiment of your divine self!
The magical Red Sea has extraordinary healing powers and will support you in clearing your body and open for the miracles to come. The first 4 days give you the opportunity to clean your body and to prepare you for the soul quest & initiative journey in the desert.
We will start with a baptism ceremony in the Red Sea and a beautiful adventure journey into the red and white canyon with a sacred dinner in a desert castle by the Sea. During these first days you will be already immersed in the Bedouin spirit while staying in astonishing places such as the Dar Dahab, an elegant guesthouse with an eco-friendly architecture.
The day after we will have a Drum Making Workshop with my beautiful Sister Niketan, who lives with the Bedouins in the Canyon by Dahab. She will also provides us with a Temazcal Ceremony (Sweat Lodge) and a Bedouins’dinner where will be singing and drumming around the fire to close the day.
On day 5, we will go up to the mountains close to the Saint Catherine Monastery. There, will will stay in the authentic Bedouins’ Camp of my friend Younis. This place is close to beautiful oasis, where we will have a deep soul journey, as a preparation for the Full Moon Ceremony. We will have a beautiful journey by foot or with camels to the top of the Sinai Moses’ Mountain for sunset and we will walk back in the dark night under the stars. This is pure adventure and has its own sacred magic. We will also visit the Monastery of Saint Catherine, which is one of the holiest places in the world. The holy of the holiest will be activated within you.
Every evening, we will be sitting or dancing by the fire under the stars with the Bedouins, eating, grounding, drumming and singing the songs of our souls.
We are the future, we are the light and we are the cosmic human to be reborn into this new timeline consciousness of divine truth. We are born in this time to bridge the old and the new and to anchor the new light into the Earth.
We have been prepared since many lifetimes to come exactly to this point where we are now! This is the time for the true salvation of the old and the New Light Manifestation. The Union of Spirit and Matter is our mission in alignment with the essence of the universal’ soul.
Mother Goddess and Father God will bless us with heavenly grace and will guide us with pure divine light of pure cosmic spirt of all creation on our path of enlightenment!
Join me for the journey of your life and open for your new divine self to be reborn into a new golden vessel of life.
Sending blessings and love,
Anjuna Innana Sara & the Council of Light

Meditation - Transformation - Healing - Initiation - Ascension
Purification of the Soul & Body - Red Sea Ceremony
New Light Christ Initiation - Red Sea Baptism
Sacred Union Codes - Red & White Canyon
Sacred Drum workshop & ceremony - Canyon
Archangel Gabriel Channeling & Light Activation for Mother Earth - Moses’ Mountain
Full moon Ceremony: The Holy of the Holiest Codes - Monastery Saint Catherine
Soul Quest - Bedouins Desert Camp
Essenes’ Teachings - Self Healing tools
Spiritual Matter Manifestation - New Template for the Cosmic Human
May 09: Arrival in Sinai / Dahab
May 09-13: Dar Dahab Hotel in Dahab - Mediation and purification by the Red Sea & Canyon trip with private guide.
May 13-18: Bedouin Camp - Sacred Healing and Initiation in the desert - closing ceremony.
May 18.- Mountain Shuttle back to Dahab in the afternoons.
Suggestion: Integration by the sea in an extended stay in self organisation.

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The retreat is open to both women and men, and of course, couples.
Check in: 9.05. - 15.00 p.m.
Opening Ceremony by the sea May 10
Check out: 18.05. - 12.00 p.m.
The Hotel in Dahab is: https://dardahab.com
The name of the International Aiport is Sharm El Sheikh.
You need to fly to Cairo and from there to Sinai. It is about 1.5 hour drive form the airport till Dahab. You have to organise a shuttle to go to Dahab and to go back at the end of the retreat.
The hotel can organise a driver.
2400 EUR Full Price
2200 EUR Early Bird until March 22nd
Deposit: 500 EUR
Registration closes on April 20th.
- Accommodation Hotel & Bedouin Camp
⁃ Full board vegetarian food from the 11th to the 17th of May
⁃ All light transmission/ teachings
Does not includes:
Flights, shuttle service to the hotel, PCR Test
Golden Community Discount
of 100 EUR
for those who have already participated in a retreat by Anjuna
Payment Plan possible if necessary!
Corona Situation:
You will be updated about any changes and new restrictions.
At the moment you only need a Covid Test or vaccination to enter Egypt from any
European country. Please check with your embassy of your own country,
if you come from overseas.
The Deposit is in general non- refundable.
In case the retreat center refunds the deposit you will benefit from it too.
Can you feel the call?
Limited to 15 participants!
Book now to save your spot!
End of registration 20.04.2022!
If you have any question please contact Anjuna Innana Sara.

Please fill out the registration form below and take your time to answer the four questions about your spiritual practice. After your request has been reviewed, you will receive an email with the details on how to proceed with the registration process.